Hospitals pose a number of security risks. In the emergency room, security guards typically help with patient check-in and ensure that family members and friends follow hospital rules. Guards are also responsible for maintaining order within the hospital—protecting patients, visitors and employees.
One of the most volatile areas of a hospital is the emergency room and waiting room. Injured and sick individuals come through the door along with their worried friends or family. Ambulances provide a steady stream of patients, some victims of criminal activity. All this makes for a tense and stressful environment.
Our guards are trained to greet patients, obtain their information and get the examination process started. If family or friends become agitated, guards will escort them from the waiting room either outside or to another designated area.
Violence against nurses and other healthcare workers is on the rise. Security guards patrol hospital entrances and patient floors. Particularly unruly patients or visitors are identified for extra security coverage.
Hospital visitors don’t always abide by visiting hours. Many come and go throughout the day and night. Security guards patrol hospital parking lots and garages to ensure visitors are safe when walking to or from their vehicles.